To Facebook or not to Facebook, that is the question…


So people ask me why I deactivated my Facebook account. Honestly, I needed to. For me, it was no longer a way to connect with friends. It had become a timeline full of drama, “challenges”, political sniping, terrible grammatical errors, game requests, and compliment fishing. It had become a stress. Worse, it had become an addiction. It was no longer “just for fun”. I woke up and checked Facebook. I went to the bathroom, I checked Facebook. At a stop light, I checked Facebook. If I had a break at work, I checked Facebook. Doing homework? Let me take a break and check Facebook. In bed for the night? Better check Facebook one more time. Every time I checked it, nothing was different. Same people doing the same things on my timeline, no big changes. So why did I NEED to be connected to it so much? What was I afraid I was going to miss? I asked myself why I couldn’t go without it. That’s when I realized, I *could*… I should… I WOULD! At that moment I took the plunge. I opened the settings and pressed “deactivate”. I then deleted the app off of my phone and my iPad. That was 7/14/2014. I won’t lie and say I didn’t miss it for at least the first two weeks. I won’t say I didn’t think about re-activating my account. However, now, I don’t feel the “itch” to be a part of that world anymore. Will I give Facebook another shot somewhere down the line? Eh, maybe. I will say that if I do go back, I will be doing things quite differently. No need for 500+ friends that I really don’t communicate with. No need for inclusion in every group. No updating every five minutes. That’s not a priority right now, though…